About Blabbing Dee

Hello World! My name is Deanna, I’m 38 years old, a mother to 3 daughters, 2 of which are teenagers. I was married to my daughters Father for 7 years and have since co parented with him for the past 10 years, 50/50. I grew up in one home, my children have grown up in two homes with two families. I have lots of observations about these co-parenting situations and will be writing about that. I consider myself an activist, I feel a strong desire to stand up for those who can’t or won’t speak up for themselves. My opinions change regularly and I rarely take part in active debates because they seem pointless unless someone is truly intending to educate me. I love to learn new things and read non-fiction. I don’t watch movies and rarely watch TV. I purposely stopped watching news on TV years ago, now I read it at my own discretion and only believe a small percentage of what I read. I’m certain you can see where this blog is going. I have a lot to say and truly it’s not about wanting people to hear me, or read my writing but, mostly Β just to satisfy the urge to get this stuff out of my brain so I can move on to deeper thoughts.

In my home, I have 2 purebred Rottweilers, a mut, 2 outdoor cats, 2 indoor Persian cats, my boyfriend, his son and his pregnant girlfriend and my 2 younger kids are here about 4 days a week. We all share one bathroom (minus animals)! The economy in California has put us in this position of sharing housing and it can be like a zoo sometimes but, we manage. I often think to myself about a song called “love grows best in little houses”, and I hope we are fostering love around this zoo home. Other tidbits about me are: I use a cochlear implant to hear, I love roller skating, I wait tables for a living even though I have a college education, I have had weight loss surgery over a year ago and shed 90+ pounds. I can relate to a lot of things, am very open-minded and look forward to making new friends here on Word Press. Nice to meet you!

Blabbing Dee

7 thoughts on “About Blabbing Dee

  1. Hi Dee, I am so happy to follow your blog now! We share some things in common, one of which is managing to live in California and a love of children and animals. I am looking forward to being part of each other’s blogging communities. πŸ˜€

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    1. Yes Beth Im happy to follow your blog too! I read your post about Santa Paula, I love that little town, good thrift stores, and a beautiful big old oak tree in the city center. I am exploring moving to Ventura as my ex-husband took a job there and my daughters would like to attend school there as well. It’s good to connect with you!

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